
Saturday, 9 May 2015

The Bat Cat (Burda 128 Blouse)

She's here, finally.  I've been meaning to blog about this for an age.  My Bat Cat fabric (from Sew Over It) for a Burda 128 sleevless blouse.

The fabric is so lush it almost feels like moleskin after a pre-wash.  It's quite a heavy cotton so I wasn't sure if the blouse would hang well but it's fab.  I tend to pair it with a pair of smart black pants for work (with a cheeky bat cat it's almost like I'm being naughty).

Those cheeky cat buttons I found on Ebay

Cheeky little face


  1. So cute! I love the fabric - and the pattern has lines that I've been looking for! What month is this pattern from?

    1. Hi I bought it as a downloadable PDF. Here's the link
      Hope that helps!
